Digital Marketing & Concrete5 Tips Blog
Advice, tutorials, news, training and expert advice on the Concrete5 content management system, ecommerce, website design, online marketing and social media optimization from Pixo Web Design & Strategy. To watch training videos visit our Concrete5 videos page. To learn more about our Concrete5 services or to get your own Concrete5 website please feel free to contact us.
It's Wise Not to Put Your Email Address on Your Web Page
We do a fair number of rebuilds for existing websites. Typically it means that we copy the website content over from one site to another. Often times I'll come across pages that have an email address as part of the text on the page. Those same individuals often wonder why they are getting a ton o…
Categories: Website Design
Using Alt Tags on Images for SEO in 2016
For some reason this one has come up a lot lately. People asking how to add alt tags to images on their website for SEO purposes. At one time it had some value. What we tell our clients today is if you want to use Alt tags then don't put any keywords in those tags. From Google:"Filling alt attri…
Categories: SEO
What Business Owners Can Learn from 5 Star Service at the Broadmoor Resort
If you aren’t familiar with the Broadmoor resort in Colorado Springs then you’re in for a real treat on your first visit. Often referred to as the ‘Grande Dame of the American West,’ for nearly 100-years have invited guests to partake of its luxury. For 55-years it has enjoyed a Forbes 5-star rati…
Categories: Website Design
Pixo to Open New Office in Park City / Midway, Utah in August 2016
Pixo Web Design & Strategy is pleased to announce that we will be opening a new office, serving the website design needs of Park City, Heber and Midway, Utah in September of 2016. Pixo Web Design & Strategy is a website design, search engine optimization, web development and social media strategy a…
Categories: Website Design
Taking Fortune 500 Companies to New Levels with Concrete5 5.7
In the last three months Pixo has transitioned six Fortune 500 websites to Concrete5 version 5.7. These corporations saw the value of the Enterprise level tools that the Concrete5 content management system (CMS) gives an organization. A fair amount of work to port these larger sites over, but the …
Categories: Concrete5
If You Want to Get Your Website Hacked, Go with Wordpress
Don't get me wrong. I don't have anything against Wordpress. In many ways I like Wordpress, but I was reminded again this last two weeks why you may not want to go with Wordpress. It is vulnerable to hacking. I know there would be people that would argue against that. If you properly setup a Wo…
Categories: Website Design
Turning a Business Idea from a Dream to Reality with a Strategic Website
I talk with entrepreneurs all of the time who have amazing ideas, but are trying to figure out how to take those ideas, with a limited budget and turn them into a money making reality. Some of these entrepreneurs are just starting out. Others are long time business owners who have new ideas and n…
Categories: Marketing
Rant: Please, Web Designers--Make Form Elements Look Like Form Elements
I've noticed a growing trend that I think is a bit disconcerting in the web design arena. Web designers are now designing web forms so that they don't actually look like the standard forms that we have used for years. No longer is their form boxes and standard check boxes, but forms that have a lo…
Categories: Website Design
Some Great Local Websites to Hit for Cyber Monday Deals
The following are some sites we would recommend hitting for Cyber Monday deals:
WiredUp Installation
Hammond Greetings
Wide Eyez
Denver Breaker
Mega Genius
Rocket Seals
Rodox Product
Just Thankful and an Amazing Story
Was thinking this morning of our many blessings. We live in the greatest country on earth, we live at the time of the greatest technology advances in the history of the world, Pixo has the best clients in the world, we have information at our finger tips 24/7, Pixo is in one of the great states in …
Categories: Thankful