
Concrete5 5.6.3 Released

Mar 15, 2014

A new version of Concrete5 is now available. Version 5.6.3 contains the following new features and improvements. This is a relatively minor release but one that most website owners should upgrade to for the added security benefits.

Feature Updates

  • Languages with greater than 90% completion are now included in concrete5, meaning they can be installed immediately
  • Much Improved Stacks, including the following new features
    • Add block from clipboard
    • Rename the stack
    • Duplicate the stack
    • Reorder stacks
  • Added task permission to control who can export users from user search.
  • Added the ability to add one permission line or remove one permission line from pages in bulk.
  • User selector now has the ability to clear the user
  • Much improved user password hashing, security improvements and hardening
  • TinyMCE is now localized
  • You can now test your email settings from the email settings dashboard page.

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Retain multibyte file titles when uploading files in other languages
  • Usernames can now contain periods in the middle (not at the beginning or end)
  • Page attributes are now listed by attribute set display order, if they happen to fall into one
  • Various localization fixes and additions
  • Profile pages are now translatable
  • Can override Block assets from a package
  • Refactored generate sitemap job for better extensibility and readability
  • Package items are localized when uninstalling
  • Date picker is better localized, reducing bugs
  • Add version to installation screen
  • Better support for mysqli in certain query situations
  • Area names now appear translated
  • Additional CSS classes for core components now present
  • Better localization of some displayed dates and times
  • You can now clear alternate file storage locations.
  • We now use Imagick for image resizing if it happens to be installed
  • Faster page publishing when using composer and publishing to a location of the site with a large number of peer pages

Tags: Concrete5

Category: Concrete5 CMS