Fix Concrete5 Website Problems with Pixo
Jan 10, 2013
From time to time we get calls from Concrete5 website owners whose sites were improperly built or their website has errors or need customization. We have over 3 years of experience with Concrete5 and have been working with the content management system almost since it went public. We specialize in fixing concrete5 websites.
Our services include:
- Concrete5 upgrades
- Theme repairs and customizatons
- Site Maintainance
- Custom template developement
- Fixing website issues
- Increasing website pageload time
- Troubleshooting website errors
- Website design strategy consulting
If you have a website that is in need of some professional attention please feel free to contact us and a Concrete5 expert will help you work you through your options to find the solution that best fits your needs.
Category: Concrete5