Adding A Block in Concrete5 to Multiple Pages
Jun 30, 2011
This is one of those, "I wish I knew that before" blog posts. After using Concrete5 for longer than I care to admit in this post, I just discovered a "new" tool that would have saved my dozens of hours over the last year if I had known about it. The tool is the Setup on Child Pages tool that is found in the Default Page Types in the Dashboard. With this tool you can add a block to multiple pages on a website by just click the block while in edit mode and then choosing Setup on Child Pages. I actually brought up the need for something like this to Franz, CEO of Concrete5, a while back and he said, "Ya, I know." Didn't know that he did it and it has been in Concrete5 for the last two versions. Great tool to use when you need to make an update on mutliple pages of your website after the pages have already been created.
If you need to add blocks to new pages automatically when they are created you simply add the block to your Default page layout in the same section of the Dashboard. Any new pages created from that point forward will then have the block applied to it (I've know about this tool for a long time).
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