
New Concrete5 Looks Pretty Slick

Oct 22, 2011

From what I have seen of what will be the next release of Concrete5 the Core team is adding some great tools into the contentn management system. From what I have seen so far, it isn't so much new functionality that has got me excited as much as polish. The Edit Tool bar is being enhanced with mega drop down menus where now you won't have to click multiple times to access tools in the Dashboard. The drop down menu will give you instant access to the Dashboard buttons from the front side of the website which will save time when doing site edits.

Other enhancements include a better installation process for first time users. Now there will be better, on screen instructions once an install is concluded to allow first time C5 users better directions on what they should do next.

We are looking forward to the next release of Concrete5.

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Category: Concrete5